Where you could only meet hikers a mere ten years ago, cyclists are becoming a common sight, pedalling their mountain or trekking bikes. Cycling is becoming increasingly popular, and the Vimperk region is a kind of promised land for fans of this modern sport. It abounds in interesting cycling routes leading through forests at high altitudes, and their number keeps growing. The town of Vimperk hosts mountain bike races annually which thoroughly test the participants in the more demanding mountain terrain. One of them has traditionally been the Vimperk 50-kilometre race, starting and finishing in the town, and another is the Bikemarathon, with the start and finish at the cross-country ski centre at Zadov.
Road cyclists will appreciate beautiful, gradually descending routes and long sections offering scenic views. Those who might not cope with prolonged ascents may combine cycling with "green buses", which take bikes on board on some of the routes. Information for cyclists, including detailed descriptions of the routes, is available in all information centres.
Interesting cycling routes in the Vimperk region: below Boubín mountain, marked yellow, 27 km, intermediate; in the Pravětínský brook valley, 29 km, marked red, and easy route of varying profile; in the Spůlka valley and across Mářský hill, 35 km, marked black, intermediate with difficult sections; in the surroundings of Vimperk (along the Cikánský brook and the river Blanice valley, and on the slopes of Boubín), 47 km, intermediate; the moors of Kvilda, 40 km, intermediate; Vimperk – Kubova Huť – Vimperk, 28 km, a difficult route; Strážný – České Žleby – Strážný, 33 km, intermediate; Vimperk – Vlachovo Březí – Vimperk (via Chlístov, Kratušín, and Lštění), 42 km, intermediate; through the region of wandering craftsmen (Churáňov – Pláně – Zdíkovec – Benešova Hora – Studenec – Churáňov), 38 km, intermediate.